Camino de Santiago - Camino Francés - Prolongación Xacobea 1:50000
- Cycling
$14.99 USD
from Sain Jean Pied de Port to Finisterre
Detailed and georeferenced maps at 1:50000 scale, completed with all the informations needed by modern-day pilgrims wishing to walk the sacred Way of St. James by footh or bike: distances, differences in altitude, huts, hostels, tourist information...
Detailed and georeferenced maps at 1:50000 scale, completed with all the informations needed by modern-day pilgrims wishing to walk the sacred Way of St. James by footh or bike: distances, differences in altitude, huts, hostels, tourist information...
Geographic area:
June 2018
This product is available exclusively in digital format, for use only in the Avenza Maps app.
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