We Are Map Lovers at Heart
We spend a lot of time thinking about maps, how people interact with them, how we can improve the experience, and how we can expand on mobile mapping capabilities.
We want to make the mobile map experience better whether you are using the app for work or recreational travel and adventuring.
Today, Avenza Maps® is one of the most recognized mobile mapping apps for forest management, firefighting, and search and rescue, as well as for travellers and outdoor enthusiasts.
We hope our energy, expertise, and passion for high-quality mobile maps help you enjoy our maps in your work, travel, and play.
Work With Us
We are a team of cartographers, software developers, engineers and business minds, who are building a platform to solve real-world challenges - from simplifying the map publishing process, to providing tools to first-responders saving lives and keeping outdoor enthusiasts safe on the trail.
The team is growing, so take a look at our open positions and consider joining us!
Contact us for more information
Avenza Systems, Inc.
84 Merton Street Toronto, ON M4S 1A1 Canada
Technical Support
Contact us regarding all app, map, and service related issues.
*Please do not contact Map Store Publishers directly.