5 Features You May Not Know About in Avenza Maps

3 friends using a cell phone to navigate on a hike

The world is a very big place, there’s just so much to explore! We all know the importance of having a paper or digital map to help you find a location or a destination, especially when on adventures in unfamiliar areas. However, often you can be left stranded without Wi-Fi or cell reception.

This is where Avenza Maps comes in handy. The award-winning mobile app best known for its mapping capabilities without the need for an internet connection is trusted by adventure enthusiasts and professionals everywhere, it’s a standalone solution and can be used on an iOS or Android device.

Our useful and interactive map tools empower you with the ability to plan, navigate and enjoy your outdoor experience to the fullest. With the Avenza Maps app, you can locate yourself on any map, even when offline by using just your device's built-in GPS. This means that you can rely on the app to not just determine and share your exact coordinates but also accurately locate and mark points of interest. Most importantly, you can easily share all of this information with your team or loved ones, for everyone’s peace of mind.

Our most active Avenza Maps users already know this, so we wanted to give you more insight into some of the other great features available that you may not know about yet. We’re confident that these features will take your outdoor activities up a notch!

1. Stay in or out of map areas    

You can set up a geofence, which is an imaginary perimeter around a specific location specified in the app. Avenza Maps will notify you when you're at the area you wish to track or when you leave. This feature makes it easy to stay on the trail or stay out of areas that are off-limits or dangerous.

2. Search for places

Avenza Maps allows you to quickly search for specific points of interest on any map. If you have a network connection, you can even search while you’re out on the trail. Placemarks can be easily added or removed to keep whatever is relevant to your outdoor activity. It can also be used before you head out of cell reception range, so that you can access placemarks while completely offline.

Open street map screenshot

3. Add geotagged photos on a map

After a day of exploring, you’re bound to have taken some great photos. If you’ve captured something interesting, simply add the geotagged photo to your map and a placemark with the updated photo will drop in the correct location on your map.

4. Navigate Course Up

Sometimes you want to navigate a little bit easier and have the map rotated with your current travel direction. Enable this in the Location panel. As you change direction, the map will rotate accordingly to always keep your travel direction at the top of the screen.

Navigate course up screenshot

5. Reach new destinations with what3words

Now you can access every 3m² with its own unique 3-word address with what3words. Tap the coordinates location bar to switch the display to what3words. Use this incredible tool within Avenza Maps to effortlessly share your precise location using simply three words.

Knowing how to use these features can make the biggest difference when you are hiking, camping, going for a walk, or working in the field. We hope that by sharing these tips, we can help you get more out of your Avenza Maps experience.