Avenza Participates in Clean Toronto Together

On April 21st, Avenza participated in Clean Toronto Together to celebrate Earth Day! Since 2004, the city of Toronto has held a city-wide spring cleanup bringing Toronto residents, schools, community groups and businesses together to restore green spaces within the city. If you cannot attend a community cleanup event, we encourage you to clean up your local park or green area this week!

Clean Toronto helps communities gather together to help put litter where it belongs - inside the city’s garbage bins! Our team chose to clean up the Beltline Trail from Yonge to Bathurst and back, walking a total of 5km. We had a great time gathering as a group of 20 team members and doing our part! We even saw another group of schoolchildren participating in a smaller clean-up.

“It was a fun afternoon, and I enjoyed getting outside socializing with my fellow Avenza colleagues while we all did the clean up together.” - Nelson Santos
“Nothing better than cleaning up nature and sharing the experience with awesome coworkers!” - Chelsey Harasym

Cleanup initiatives not only help us keep the environment safe and clean but helps us reduce litter and pollution. You can even take Avenza Maps to track your distance and mark larger debris that should be picked up later. These small actions contribute to a greater goal of keeping our environment clean!