Tales from the North Country Trail: A Photographer’s Favorite Hikes

Kim Mettler, a passionate hiker, nature lover, and skilled photographer, showcases her favourite trail sections through her camera lens. She shares the stunning landscapes and personal moments that repeatedly draw her back to nature.

Her journey began with a challenge: to hike 100 miles within a year as part of the North Country Trail Hike 100 Challenge. Participants trek at their own pace, choosing locations that suit them best. For Kim, who loves combining her wanderlust with photography, documenting her hike was a natural fit. She started near her Boyne City home and ventured north, capturing everything from a tiny sphinx moth on a wild iris to the sweeping vistas of Lake Superior along Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. The trail’s beauty captivated her, leading to numerous day trips and weekend adventures.

A useful hiking tip from Kim is to use the Avenza Maps app for navigation. She says Avenza Maps has been invaluable in planning her hikes and ensuring she stays on the right path. Read the full blog for detailed insights into her favourite spots.